The rain has continued for yet another day. "Only" half an inch today, but with the ground already completely saturated, this additional rain further eroded the road which is coming very close to being impassable by anything less than an off road vehicle. They have closed the bridge on the main route to the paved road because the footings/shorings are being exposed because of erosion. Other parts of the road are rutted both parallel and perpendicular to the road direction. Pot holes have become ponds, low areas are now flowing with water where they are normally dry, and all of the quartz veins re being exposed as all small stone and soil is removed from the road bed.
On the up side however Becca called this morning right on time, clarified one of my questions, then helped me place the order. She is a wonderful person, great customer service person (though her job is clearly a LOT more than just CSR), and genuine person. Systemax is lucky to have her, and I cannot recommend the company highly enough based upon the service I received and the price for the computer I am buying. If you are even remotely thinking of a new laptop or desktop check Systemax out.
My machine will hopefully be built and shipped by Wednesday, meaning that come next week I should be in the process of loading Ubuntu onto the machine. With luck in just over a week I will be back going full force. Until then.. well I am still fighting the addiction..
No progress on the house. This is the real update. Since I have returned my world here has been turned upside down. I was offered a new location on which to build, a location which would have better views, more privacy, and in general is much more appealing though it would require much more work. I was also told that the fellow who was to do the backhoe work is busy with his hay business and might not be able to get to my project now for three months.. To make matters worse the new location is now up in the air due to an old forgotten lien on the property, and the rains have stopped any and all possible progress on any aspect of building.
The last week plus have simply been an effort to keep afloat.. keep Rancher Bob's cattle safe, and watch the creek do ever more damage..
Not the best sort of update, but it is what it is.
You would think we live in WA!
No kidding.. though without the incredible views and food!
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