Thursday, February 26, 2009


While talking to some neighbors recently I discovered that they owned a great deal more land than had the previous owners of their house. Over the few years that they have been here they have bought up surrounding land so as to prevent development or the presence of perhaps unwanted neighbors..

These are really friendly folks and they welcomed me to hike their property, an offer I took up the very next day. It was a cloudy day, with rain threatening, but I took off to climb a wooded hill that for reasons I cannot really explain, has fascinated me for years. As this hill will be directly across from my house, I decided it was time to check it out. So following some old logging trails I took off without a real plan beyond checking out the hill then just going wherever seemed apropos at the time.

So I got to enjoy some new views, including some I actually forgot to get pics of, the interesting mix of piney woods and hardwood forest, a good hike which I needed in more ways than one, and even got a bit of a surprise on the way back out:
Who would have thought that there would be an old Cadillac so far from any road?

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